Georgian Marshrutka
Type of line stop
0 km
Telavi (თელავი)
80 km
Departure 5 departues between 8:00 and 14:30 (2019)
61 km
Departure 15:15 except Sunday
28 km
99 km
Departs every 60 minutes between 09:00 - 21:00
Departs from the New Bus Station
23 km
There are at least 5 daily marshrutkas departing from the bus station.
62 km
There should be multiple vans departing throughout the day, including one at 9am.
26 km
66 km
Departure Monday-Saturday, Time 9:30
91 km
94 km
Departs at 07:30, 08:20, 09:00, 10:30, 11:20, 12:00, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:20, 16:15, 17:00, 17:45, 18:20
Departs at 09:30, 11:40, 12:40, 13:45, 15:00
Departure times are based on what driver told us (June 2024) but, not the Wander Lush website
24 km
47 km
87 km
Departs at 08:00
40 km
63 km
Departs at 13:30
45 km
84 km
85 km